Eyes at the Window

Eyes cover I created eight Amish narrators to tell the fifty year story of a seven-month-old baby who is smothered to death at night in a cabin in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. This historical event happened in 1810 while the adults were out tapping the sugar maple trees. My novel is an imaginative account of how this tragedy might have happened. It’s also a pioneer story, as many of the families involved in the infanticide moved on with the frontier, settling in Holmes and Wayne Counties in Ohio. While researching this story, I became fascinated also by developments in the Amish Church during this time period. The novel includes much more than a story about the questions and mystery surrounding an infant’s death. It explores human characters dealing with their loves and losses and presents a picture of how social and religious values affect individuals, families and communities.

Available in Hardcover and Paperback

 at Amazon.com

Autographed copy available:

contact author at millerevie4@gmail.com


Publishers Weekly Review

Goshen College Bulletin

Interview with Evie Yoder Miller, by Phyllis Bixler

Literary Elements in Evie Yoder Miller’s Eyes at the Window, by David Sprunger

Amish Church and Life Authenticity in Eyes at the Window, by Marion Bontrager